Test Series - cyber security

Test Number 7/13

Q: Tailgating is also termed as ___________
A. Pretexting
B. Phishing
C. Baiting
D. Piggybacking
Solution: Piggybacking is the technique used for social engineering, as the attacker or unauthorized person/individual follows behind an authorized person/employee & gets into an authorized area to observe the system, gain confidential data or for a fraudulent purpose.
Q: IKE is abbreviated as Internet Key Exchange.
A. True
B. False
C. none
D. .
Solution: Internet Key Exchange is a security protocol used for setting up a security association in the Secure IP protocol. IKE = Key Management Protocol (KMP) + Security Association (SA).
Q: Whaling is the technique used to take deep and _________ information about any individual.
A. casual
B. useless
C. sensitive
D. powerful
Solution: Whaling uses phishing technique which helps hackers in stealing deep and sensitive information about any member of an organization. The information can be private addresses, phone number, future plans and projects, salary and bonuses.
Q: When you book online tickets by swiping your card, the details of the card gets stored in ______
A. hard drives
B. servers
C. database system
D. point-of-sale system
Solution: The point-of-sale system is a system where the retailer or company stores financial records and card details of the e-commerce system or online business transactions.
Q: Which of the following is not a software firewall?
A. Linksys Firewall
B. Windows Firewall
C. Outpost Firewall Pro
D. Endian Firewall
Solution: Windows Firewall, Outpost Firewall Pro and Endian Firewall are software firewalls that are installed in the system. Linksys firewall is not an example of a software firewall.
Q: Which of the following is not a type of cyber crime?
A. Forgery
B. Installing antivirus for protection
C. Data theft
D. Damage to data and systems
Solution: Cyber crimes are one of the most threatening terms that is an evolving phase. It is said that major percentage of the World War III will be based on cyber-attacks by cyber armies of different countries.
Q: Accessing computer without prior authorization is a cyber-crimes that come under _______
A. Section 69
B. Section 66
C. Section 63
D. Section 43
Solution: Under section 66 of IT Act, 2000 which later came up with a much broader and precise law says that without prior authorization or permission, if any individual access any computer system, it is a cyber-crime.
Q: ______________ is a platform that essentially keeps the log of data from networks, devices as well as applications in a single location.
A. PacketFilter Analyzer
B. Wireshark
C. EventLog Analyser
D. NordVPN
Solution: EventLog Analyser is a tool that basically keeps the log of data from networks, devices as well as applications in a single location. Latest encryption techniques are used for securing its stored data.
Q: Which of the following deals with network intrusion detection and real-time traffic analysis?
A. L0phtCrack
B. Snort
C. Nessus
D. John the Ripper
Solution: Snort is a network intrusion detecting application that deals with real-time traffic analysis. As the rules are set and kept updated, they help in matching patterns against known patterns and protect your network.
Q: _______ type of exploit requires accessing to any vulnerable system for enhancing privilege for an attacker to run the exploit.
A. Network exploits
B. System exploits
C. Local exploits
D. Remote exploits
Solution: Local exploits are those type of exploit requires accessing to any vulnerable system for enhancing privilege for an attacker to run the exploit. They’ve to pass through granted system administration in order to harm the system.

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